Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Catching Up

Still working out, just not posting. Have continued the parallette work. Has been fun and challenging. I am getting stronger. Tuck hold is much easier. Have been struggling with how to continue the parallette program but still get in some cardio work without stretching my workout too long. Tonight the answer came to me. Instead of sitting around between sets of parallette work, I decided to do some cardio work. For the first 15 sets of parallette stuff I did 20 32kg 2 handed swings for a total of 300 swings in between the bodyweight sets. For the next 5 sets of parallette work I did RBT split squats 10R/10L. This worked great. Had my heart rate up, but spared my shoulders from getting too tired to complete the bodyweight work. There are many possible exercises that can be introduced in between the bodyweight sets. I will be experimenting over the next few weeks.

Saturday 1/21/12
Mobility: Thoracic Spine, Pec Minor, Couch
Warm Up(16kg) Various
Snatch/JR Combo(24kg)
*1 minute snatch @ 16 rpm
*1 minute jump rope
*Did 8 sets total
LevelAPhase1 Day 1 Parallette Routine
*Plank Push Up - 10 x 5 sets
*Front Dips - 10 x 5 sets
*Plank Hold - 5 sec x 5 sets
*Tuck Hold - 5 sec x 5 sets
*Plank Mountain Climbers - 10 x 5 sets

Monday 1/23/12
Parallette Warm Up
Level A Phase1 Day 2 Parallette Routine
*Plank Side to Sides - 8 x 5 sets
*Assist. Shouder Stands - 10 x 5 sets
*Jump Throughs - 8 x 5 sets
*Assist. Inverted Presses - 10 x 5 sets
*Swing Set - 10 x 5 sets
Parallette Cool Down

Wednesday 1/25/12
Mobility: Thoracic Spine, Pec Minor, Couch
Parallette Warm Up
Level A Phase 1 Day 1 Parallette Routine
*Plank Push Up - 12 x 5 sets
*Front Dip - 12 x 5 sets
*Plank Hold - 5 sec x 5 sets
(Did 20 32kg 2 handed swings between these 15 sets for total of 300 swings)
*Tuck Hold - 5 sec x 5 sets
(Did RBT Split Squats 10R/10L between these 5 sets)
*Plank Mountain Climbers - 10 x 5 sets
Parallette Cool Down

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Swings and Parallettes

Still extremely sore from band leg workout on Monday!!!

Mobility: Thoracic Spine, Pec Minor, Couch
HS Swing(32kg): 20 reps in 30 sec/15 sec rest x 10 sets
Parallettes Phase A Level 1 Day 2 Workout

Monday, January 16, 2012

Saturday and Monday Workouts

Saturday Workout
Warm Up
Parallettes Level A Phase 1 Day 2 Workout
Roundabout Swings(24kg)
*1 minute on - 40 reps/30 sec off
*10 sets completed

Monday Workout
Mobility: Thoracic Spine, Pec Minor, Couch
Paralette Warm Up
Parallette Level A Phase 1 Day 1 Workout
*Plank Pushups - 10 reps x 5 sets
*Dips - 10 reps x 5 sets
*Plank Holds - 5 secs x 5 sets
*Tuck Hold - 5 secs x 5 sets
*Mountain Climbers - 10 reps x 5 sets
RBT Leg Tabata
*Side Hops
*Prisoner Lunge
*Reach Forwards
*Front Squats
*20 sec work/10 sec rest - 8 sets done of each exercise

Band leg workout was very tough. I had a hard time getting out of the basement! Will be sore for a few days from that one. However it meets the criteria of quick and deadly.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Something New

I have decided to give some gymnastic type bodyweight exercises a go for the next several months in order to change things up a bit. I will start the parallette program by Gold Medal Bodies. I plan to follow their 3 month progression and see how things go. I made my home made PVC parallettes the other day and gave them a try today. Needless to say, I have some work to do...

Parallettes Program:
*Warm Up
*Phase 1 Day 1 Workout
*Cool Down

Kettlebell 2 Handed Swing(32kg)
*20 reps in 30 seconds/15 seconds rest x 10 sets

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday Fitness

Mobility: First Rib, Thoracic Spine, Pec Minor, Couch
Warm Up(16kg): Various
*Snatch @ 14 rpm x 6 minutes - 1 switch
*2 minutes rest
*OAJ @ 14 rpm x 6 minutes - 1 switch
*2 minutes rest
*OALCCJ @ 8 rpm x 6 minutes - 1 switch

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Last Weeks Workouts

Catching up on some of last weeks workouts.

Wednesday - Band Combo
*Prone Run
*Burpee Jack
*Rotational Mt. Climber
*Stationary Run
*20 sec work/10 sec rest. Did circuit 5 times with no rest

Saturday - Combo Workout
Mobility - Thoracic Spine, Pec Minor
Warm Up(16kg): various
*OA GS Swing(24kg) 10R/10L
*OALCCJ(24kg) 10R/10L
*RBT CrissCross Squat 20
*Hollow position Hold 30 sec
*RBT assisted Pullups 8

*completed 3 cycles of above non-stop in 20 minutes

Monday, January 2, 2012

Jump Rope/Snatch Combo

Mobility: Thoracic Spine, Pec Minor, Couch
Warm Up(16kg): various
Snatch/Jump Rope Combo:'
*Snatch(24kg) @ 16 rpm x 1 minute
*Jump Rope x 1 minute
*10 sets completed