Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Last Workout Before the Arnold

Had a crazy day at work followed by a group business meeting tonight which meant I didn't hit the basement until 9:45 tonight.  I was feeling good today.  Definitely feeling more energized with the cut back in workout intensity.  My weight is coming along well.  Weighed in at 196.4 lbs this morning.  More and more people at work asking me if I am loosing weight.

Jerk(16kg) 15
Jerk(20kg) 15
Jerk(24kg) 10 rpm alternating with 8 rpm x 6 minutes
Snatch(24kg) 16 rpm x 6 minutes - 1 hand switch

Rested about 8 minutes between sets of jerks and snatches.  Had more in the tank at the end of both the jerk and snatch set and had to use some restraint to keep myself from going longer.  I think I am ready.  Now I just hope the nerves don't mess me up on the platform and that I can stick to my planned pace in both events.  If I am able to these things I think I can realistically reach my goal of making WKC Level IV rank regardless of my weight (although it will be easier if I sneak under the 90kg weight:

90kg - 227 reps combined jerk and snatch
90+kg - 251 reps combined jerk and snatch

For those of you who follow my blog and might find yourself in Columbus this Saturday, I am scheduled to Jerk at 10:20 AM and snatch at 2:20 PM.

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