Sunday, August 31, 2008

TGU and C&P/Pullup Ladders

Started out with the "new" TGU as described by MC using the 16kg.  My understanding is this is the new RKC approved TGU and will be taught this way at the Cert.  I will let you know.

16kg TGU x 5 minutes
24kg TGU 2L/2R - wanted to try new style with heavier weight

24kg C&P Ladder 4(1,2,3,4,5)
Bodyweight Pullup Ladder 3(1,2,3,4,5)

Did pullups after every rung of the first 3 sets of C&P ladder.  My pullups have come a long way, but I am not strong enough to do 4 full ladders.

Finished with 24kg overhead walks 40 yards each arm x 2 sets.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Snatch Test Practice

Early workout today in order to clear the schedule for this afternoon's Buckeye game.

24kg Snatch 40L/37R  Stopped early on the right due to hot spot on right hand
24kg 1 arm swing 12L/12R on 1 minute x 5 sets
24kg Dead Snatch 10L/10R x 2 sets
24kg Snatch 10L/10R

The 24kg bell is feeling lighter and lighter for all of my ballistics moves.  I think I am ready to start using the 32kg for snatch workouts.   I will wait until after the cert before I start snatching the sucker.  

The dead and hang snatches have made a significant improvement in my snatch technique.  Thanks to the guidance of Faizal Enu and Aaron Friday, I added these to my workouts and have seen significant improvement in my snatching.  They really help your explosiveness and force you to tame the arc on the upward path of the kettlebell.

Tried out the Vibram 5 Fingers today.  They were sent to me by my college buddy Stix who will be heading to the Cert with me.  Very interesting shoes.  Take a bit to get used to, but by the end of my workout I felt like I was working out barefoot except my feet weren't dirty.  Planning to keep pushing for the next two weeks and then will taper for the big weekend.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Easy Grinds

Back is still feeling good 24 hours after my first ballistics workout.  I think the swings actually made things better!  Did an easy grind workout today.  Hope to pick up the pace this weekend.  Will go for 37/37 or 40/40 on the snatches.

24kg C&P 5L/5R
24kg Front squat 5L/5R
24kg Windmill 5L/5R
Bodyweight Pullups 5 reps

Did circuit 3 times through with no rest. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Workout

Back has been feeling better everyday.  I have been doing R-phase Z Health every day which I think has really helped.  Today was my first workout in 6 days.  I was excited all day thinking about returning to my kettlebells.  Workout was short but good:

24kg snatch 20L/20R
24kg 2-Arm Swing 20 reps on 1 minute x 12 minutes

Finished with a heart rate of 140.  My aerobic conditioning didn't suffer too much from my rest.  However, my forearms are definitely feeling it tonight.  Plan to do some easy grinds tomorrow and then hopefully pick up the pace for the weekend workouts.  Back feels good after the swings, but I will see how it feels tomorrow morning.  Only 3 weeks remain until the Cert!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Missing the bells

My back is feeling better today.  Did the full R-phase of Z-health yesterday and today as well as shoulder mobility work.  My discipline with Z health is not good, however, once I complete the exercises I always feel so good.  Tentatively plan to return to working out on Wednesday if all continues to go well.  It is so hard to stay away from my kettlebells.  Every time I enter my garage, there they are, lined up like soldiers.  They seem to call my name.  It is so hard to resist the temptation to crank out some snatches or swings, but I need to let my back rest.  It gets harder and harder to resist as my break increases.  I have so much extra energy, but no outlet except the chinup bar with which I have been GTG.  With bars in the basement and on the kid's swing set, there are ample opportunities for chinups throughout the day.  I sure need to work on these given the new RKC II requirements.  1 strict pullup with a 24kg kettlebell hanging from the foot.  That goal will take me a while to achieve, but at least there will be new goals to strive for.  

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Return of the Back Pain

Although Thursday's workout felt great, my back tightened up by bedtime.  Not as bad as the original injury, but enough to let me know it was there.  With the upcoming Cert, I have decided to take 5-7 days off to attempt to heal from the injury.  It is a fine line between healing and deconditioning, but I need to be 100% for the Cert weekend.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Back feeling better today.  Only managed 6 hours of sleep last night, but I needed to get back on the horse.  Started back in with the Snatch Test Prep workout:

24kg snatch 37/37
24kg 1 arm swing 13L/13R on 1 minute x 5 sets
24kg dead snatch 5L/5R x 2 sets

Called it quits.  Need to workout, but not hurt myself.  4 weeks from tonight I will be checking into the hotel in Minneapolis.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Double Grinds

Did Brett Jones RKC prep workout #2 today with Double 16kg:

C&P x 5
Swing x 10
C&P x 5
C & Front Squat x 5
C&P x 5
TGU 3L/3R - 1 - 16kg
C&P x 5
Snatch x 5
C&P x 5

Did cirucuit 2 times.  Tweaked my low back at the end of the second set.  Decided to stop.  Not sure what got me.  Hopefully it is not serious as the big weekend is soon approaching.  Day off tomorrow.  Hit the NSAIDS.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ballistics Day

On call this weekend.  Brutal!
Ready to workout when got home:

24kg Snatch 20L/20R
24kg Dead Snatch 10L/10R x 2 sets
24kg Hang Snatch 10L/10R x 2 sets
32kg 2 handed Swing 20 reps on the minute x 10 sets

Friday, August 15, 2008

Grinds and Grilling

Easy day of grinds today after yesterday.  Hands a bit tender today.  I did develop one blister on my pinky finger.  Did some easy grinds while cooking on the grill tonight.

24kg C&P 5L/5R x 4 sets
Bodyweight pullups 5 x 5
24kg Windmill 10L/10R x 1

Really focused on the negative of the MP tonight focusing on the lats.  Good pump.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

40/40 Snatch

Hit my first milestone with the Snatch test.  My goal is to be able to do 37/37 with comfort.  "Like a good workout"   I don't want to struggle.  People say to aim for the weight class above yours as your training goal.  Well what is your goal when you ARE the top weight class?  Do you aim for 40/40 , 45/45, or 50/50?  Regardless, I hit 40/40 today without much of a struggle.  I broke out the chalk and I think it helped.  Makes catching in the hook a bit easier.  My hands survived fine.  I was also prepped from a mental standpoint.  All day at work I was thinking about hitting my goal and it makes a big difference.  Here is my workout:

24kg Snatch 40L/40R
24kg 1 Arm Swing 13L/13R on the minute for 5 sets
24kg Hang Snatch 10L/10R x 2 sets
24kg Snatch 15L/15R

5 Weeks remain until I board the plane for the Sept. RKC Cert.  I can't wait!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Missed the double 24kg work while on vacation.  Thought I should give it a go today:

24kg TGU x 5 minutes

24kg Double Windmill 5L/5R
24kg SeeSaw Press 8L/8R
5 bodyweight pullups
24kg Double Front Squat x 5reps

Did circuit 3 times through

Finished with 24kg snatch holds 30 seconds per arm x 3 sets

Monday, August 11, 2008

V02 Max

Decided to give the VO2 Max protocol a run today.  It has been a while since I have done this, but since it appears to be a standard of the Cert weekend I thought I should be prepared.

24kg Snatch 20L/20R
24kg Dead Snatch 8L/8R x 2 sets
16kg V02 Max Protocol 15:15 for 8 reps x 50 sets

This went well.  My hands had no problems.  My cardio conditioning held up fine.  Could have continued to 60 sets easily.  I should try this next with the 20kg bell, but I don't own one at this time.

I Am Back

What a great vacation.  Ten days in the northwoods of NorthWestern Quebec Provence.  Just fresh air, sleeping, fishing, and reading.  No beepers, cell phones, or computers.  It is such a recharge to be able to step out of modern society for a period of time.  However, my kettlebells did make the 12 hour journey and below are my workouts performed while on vacation:

24kg Snatch 20L/20R
24kg Hang Snatch 6L/6R x 2 sets
24kg Dead Snatch 6L/6R x 2 sets
32kg 1 Arm Swings 10L/10R on 1 minute x 7 sets
          2 Arm Swings 20 reps on 1 minute x 2 sets (switch due to dying grip)

32kg Windmill 4L/4R
32kg C&P 3(1,2,3)
32kg Front Squat 5L/5R x 3 sets
32kg/24kg Double Renegade Row 5L/5R x 4 sets
24kg Overhead Walk 40 yards 2L/2R

24kg Snatch 37L/37R
24kg 1 Arm Swing 12L/12R on 1 minute x 5 sets
24kg Hang Snatch 8L/8R x 2 sets
24kg Snatch 15L/15R

Brett Jones RKC Prep Workout #2
C&P 5L/5R
1 Arm Swing 10L/10R
C&P 5L/5R
Clean and Front Squat 5L/5R
C&P 5L/5R
1 Arm Swing 10L/10R
C&P 5L/5R
Snatch 5L/5R
C&P 5L/5R

*Did above circuit x 2 sets with 24kg bell

Windmill 24kg 5L/5R
24kg Renegade Row 5L/5R
24kg Overhead Walk 50 yards L/R x 2 sets

24kg Snatch 10L/10R x 9 sets with 30 sec rest between sets
24kg 2-Arm Swing x 20 reps x 1 set (switched to swing due to hands)
24kg Hang Snatch 7L/7R x 2 sets
24kg Dead Snatch 7L/7R x 2 sets

24kg Windmill 5L/5R
24kg MP 5L/5R
24kg Front Squat 5L/5R

Did above circuit 3 times.  Finished with about 20 minutes of 12kg H2H drills

24kg Snatch 30L/30R (Hands slipping today.  ? need for chalk)
24kg 1-Arm Swing 13L/13R on 1 minute x 5 sets
24kg Hang Snatch 10L/10R x 2 sets
24kg Snatch 15L/15R