Friday, September 26, 2008

Back to the Bells & New Goals

Thought I would ease back in to working out today:

24kg 1 arm swing 10L/10R x 5 sets
24kg Snatch 20L/20R/15L/15R/10L/10R/5L/5R

Hands are still a bit tender, but overall felt good.  The new tension and breathing techniques taught at the Cert have taken my swing to a new place and since the swing is the "center of the kettlebell universe" I expect to see great gains in all of my ballistics moves.

New Goals

My next focus is to start working on my presses.  I would eventually like to consider the RKC II cert which will require me to C&P the Beast.  Needless to say, I have much work to do.  For the next 8-12 weeks I will return to the Right of Passage workout as described in ETK.  I am planning to start with the 32kg bell as I can already do 5 ladders of 5 rungs with the 24kg.    I plan to test every 4 weeks with the SSST, however in order to test with a heavier press I will need to look into purchasing a Bulldog (40kg).  At the cert I was able to press the 36kg, but struggled with the the 40kg.


Jon Alford said...

Dude you're a machine. You'll make a puppy of the bulldog in no time. Something clicked when I was practicing snatches today. I think I've mastered the sporatic "launch".The body and mind are willing but the hands are still tender. Seems the c&p is more taxing with proper form (quads, glutes, abs). I might follow your regimen and offer a bit of accountability for myself.

Aaron Friday said...

Matt, I pressed the bulldog. It took eight tries, but I did it, and then I immediately repeated the performance with the other hand.

You can do it.