Saturday, August 15, 2009


Working this weekend.

WarmUp: Rib Pull/Arm Sweep
MP(16kg) 10/10
Snatch(16kg) 10/10
Snatch(20kg) 10/10
Snatch(24kg) 10/10
Snatch(28kg) 16 rpm x 3:45(60) left/3:00(48) right
Snatch(28kg) 16rpm x 1 minute right
SLDL(24kg) 10/10

Felt great on the left side, probably could have gutted out ten more reps to make 70. However, the right side was a struggle from the beginning. Wasn't launching the ascent with both feet. Returned to the heel lift on the right side for some reason. Also noticed my arm was jerked more on the descent on the right. Had to stop early. Rested about a minute and then did another minute on the right to get the volume.

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