Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Its Official: I am WKC Level 1 Ranked!!

Received my notification this morning that I have attained World Kettlebell Club Level 1 Ranking in the biathlon based on my submitted video from a couple of weeks ago.  This is a nice achievement and now allows me to compete with the 28kg bells at the upcoming World Championships in my quest for CMS ranking.  Now I can really focus on my training with the 28s.

Warm Up: SLDL patterning, SLDL RNT
Snatch(16kg) 10/10
Snatch(20kg) 10/10
Snatch(24kg) 10/10
Snatch(28kg) 16 rpm x 6 minutes - 1 hand switch
OAJ(32kg) 10/10

SLDL (20kg) 10/10 x 2 sets

Since I have started working the FMS corrective exercises, my surgically repaired right knee is no longer sore.  I have been using the RNT single leg deadlift to overcome the medial cave of my knee during my squat.  It has really helped.  I am now moving on to single leg dead lift with weight.  My glutes are still getting lit up, but overall I think this is helping my jerks.

Snatches continue to progress.  I think I am ready to bump up to 7 minute sets with the 28kg.

Monday, June 29, 2009

7 Minutes 28kg Jerk

Had to work this past weekend and decided to take an extra day off.  Today, I was ready to go.  However, during my warm up I was playing around with long cycle and during a lapse of concentration smashed the distal tip of my right index finger between the two handles.  The finger isn't looking so hot right now (swollen and black and blue), but it could have been worse.  I am going to take that as a warning that I am not cut out for the long cycle and I will be sticking to the biathlon for the time being.

Warm Up: Rib pulls, shoulder sweep
OAJ(16kg) 10/10
OAJ(20kg) 10/10
Jerk(20kg) 10
OAJ(24kg) 10/10
Jerk(24kg) 8 rpm x 2 minutes
Jerk(28kg) 8 rpm x 7 minutes
Jerk(28kg) 8 rpm x 3 minutes
Swing(40kg) 20/20 x 1 set

7 minute jerk set went ok.   My triceps were the rate limiting factor today, which is new for me.  I was trying to not tilt my pelvis so much in the rack.  Although it helped me keep my knees straighter, it also put more stress on my arms to hold the bells in the rack.  I am not sure this is a good move for me.  I will continue to fine tune my technique to find out what works the best for me.  Still need to pick up two more minutes in the jerk (9 minutes at 8 rpm) over the next 2 months for CMS numbers in the jerk.  Should be doable.

Friday, June 26, 2009

28kg Snatch and Video

Warm Up:  SLDL patterning, SLDL RNF, rib pulls, arm bar
Snatch(16kg) 10/10
Snatch(20kg) 10/10
Snatch(24kg) 10/10
Snatch(28kg) 16 rpm x 6 minutes - 1 switch
OAJ(32kg) 10/10

Caught my snatch set on video below.  My snatch is getting stronger and I am getting close to increasing my time to 7 minutes.  Hands are holding up well.  Need to work on the left overhead position.  Arm needs to be closer to head. 

Thursday, June 25, 2009

28kg Jerk and Video

Warm Up
OAJ(16kg) 10/10
OAJ(20kg) 10/10
Jerk(20kg) 10
OAJ(24kg) 10/10
Jerk(24kg) 10
Jerk(28kg) 8 rpm x 6 minutes
Jerk(28kg) 8 rpm x 4 minutes
Swing(40kg) 20/20

6 minute jerk set felt solid today.  Could have easily made 7 minutes.  For me, focusing on getting under the weight quickly on my second dip has really helped me progress with the 28 kg jerk.  Here is a clip of the 6 minute set:

Lockouts seem like they are continuing to improve.  Just need to work on getting arms closer to head in overhead position.  Can do it with OAJ, but not so well with double jerks.  Will keep at it..........couple more months before the big comp.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

28kg Snatches Getting Stronger

Temps are warming up in Cleveland, but makes exercising a bit easier.  

Warm Up: Single Leg Dead Lift patterning with stick
    Single Leg Dead Lift RNT 10/10 x 2
Snatch(16kg) 10/10
Snatch(20kg) 10/10
Snatch(24kg) 10/10
Snatch(28kg) 16 rpm x 6 minutes - 1 hand switch
OAJ(32kg) 10/10
Chops 15/15 x 1
Lifts 15/15 x 1

Really like the single leg dead lift RNT.  It is really making my glute minimus sore, but my movement is improving and my medial knee collapse on the right leg is dissapearing.  Check out this post on Mark Cheng's blog about RNT.  
Snatches with the 28kg are really coming along.  They are feeling more and more like snatches with the 24s.  My index finger and thumb ratchet is getting very consistent.  My grip is no longer the rate limiting step and my hands are holding up well.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day Art & Productive Jerk Day

Happy Father's Day

Had a great father's day yesterday and my boys made me some excellent cards including very blog specific artwork.  I wonder where they have seen this pose before........
My jerks felt great today.  I think I have been gaining thoracic spine mobility via my FMS corrective exercises and it is starting to make a difference in my overhead position.  Today, I also had a bit of a breakthrough with the timing of my second dip.  In my opinion, jerking the 28s and 32s is a much different beast compared to the 24s.  With the 24s, I really didn't need to get under the bells quickly on my second dip.  The 28s and 32s require a much quicker 2nd dip.  Today, I really noticed this click and my jerks became much crisper with better lockouts and the lift just became easier overall.  Hopefully I can continue to groove this pattern and my numbers will begin to improve quickly.

Warm Up
OAJ(16kg) 10/10
OAJ(20kg) 10/10
Jerk(20kg) 10
Jerk(24kg) 10
Jerk(28kg) 8 rpm x 6 minutes
Jerk(28kg) 8 rpm x 4 minutes
Swing(40kg) 25/25 x 1 set

Saturday, June 20, 2009

28kg Snatch Day

Completed some odd jobs around the house today and then hit a short workout:

Snatch(16kg) 10/10
Snatch(20kg) 10/10
Snatch(24kg) 10/10
Snatch(28kg) 16 rpm x 6 minutes - had to stop at 2:30 on left due to still healing trauma from          last weekend.  Right side completed full 3 minutes
OAJ(32kg) 10/10 - slow pace.  Really focusing on my breathing.  When I can time the exhale with the first dip and inhale with the explosion of the elbows coming of the pelvis the rep feels effortless.

Snatches today, for the first time, felt very smooth.  Almost the same as with the 24kg.  I still need to pick up an additional 1:30 minutes on each hand to make CMS.  I think that might be easier than making my CMS jerk numbers.  We will see........

Friday, June 19, 2009

Better Effort

Another jerk today.  Mentally just not into it these days.  Things aren't as easy anymore.  My progress is slowing down.  The 28s are posing a challenge.  It is difficult to motivate for the suffering I know is coming as my jerk sets get longer.  Somehow, over the next 2 months, I need to find an additional 4 minutes (currently can go 5-6 minutes at 8 rpm with 28s) in the jerk to make CMS.  I think it is possible, but there will be much suffering ahead.

Warm Up
OAJ(16kg) 10/10
OAJ(20kg) 10/10
Jerk(20kg) 10
OAJ(24kg) 10/10
Jerk(24kg) 10
Jerk(28kg) 8 rpm x 5 minutes
Jerk(28kg) 8 rpm x 5 minutes
Swing(40kg) 20/20

Despite my poor mental attitude prior to my workout, the 28kg jerks felt pretty good today.  My new plan is to try to work a total of 10 minutes of 28kg jerks with every session.  This will likely occur in two sets ( 5min and 5 min, or 6 min and 4 min).  I need to start getting used to doing 80 reps with the 28s.  Eventually these will start to feel light just as the 24kgs have.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

28kg snatches

Warm Up: Dead Lift Patterning with Stick - double and single leg
                    Single leg Dead Lift RNT - medial cave
Snatch(16kg) 10/10
Snatch(20kg) 10/10
Snatch(24kg) 10/10
Snatch(28kg) 14 rpm x 6 minutes - left hand was cut short at 2:45 due to hand trauma from weekend test set
OAJ(32kg) 10/10 x 1

Did some more FMS corrections tonight including stick work to traps and teres major, rib pulls, piriformis stretch, and single leg lowering.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Back in The Saddle

Plan was to get back into the 28s today and start focusing on the Worlds.  Today's workout, however, was less than inspiring.  Not a lot of gas in the tank.

Warm up - FMS deadlift patterning with stick both double and single leg
                    Suitcase DL Double 24kgs - 10
                    Suitcase DL Single 24kg - 10/10

Jerk(20kg) 10
Jerk(24kg) 10
Jerk(32kg) 6
Jerk(28kg) 8 rpm x 4 minutes - originally planning 5 minutes
Jerk(28kg) 8 rpm x 2 minutes - originally planning 4 minutes
Jerk(24kg) 10 rpm x 4 minutes - originally planning 5 minutes
Swing(40kg) 25/25 x 1

Hopefully this was just a fluke and I will snap out of it by tomorrow.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

WKC Level 1 Rank Attempt

10:30 AM - Jerk(24kg) 8rpm x 10 minutes -80 reps

2:30 PM - Snatch(24kg) 16 rpm x 10 minutes - 160 reps

Working on getting the video posted.  My DVD  is burned and will be in the mail to the AKC on Monday.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Weekend Plan

Now that I have my camera, I am going to take the next couple days off and try to shoot my level 1 rank numbers this weekend so I can really start to focus on Chicago.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

28kg Jerk Video

Received my new Flip UltraHD video recorder today.  Pretty sweet.  Hooked it to my tripod and decided to give it a run today taping my jerk set with the 28kg bells.  My technique is getting better, but I still have a bit of work to do on the lockouts.

Warm Up - rib pulls and shoulder sweep
Jerk(20kg) 10
Jerk(24kg) 8 rpm x 3 min
Jerk(28kg) 8 rpm x 5 min
Jerk(28kg) 8 rpm x 4 min
Swing(40kg) 20/20

Finished with some half kneeling chops and lifts using the Gray Cook bands.

Also included my warm up 24kg set:

Monday, June 8, 2009

28kg Snatches

Warm Up
Snatch(16kg) 14/14
Snatch(20kg) 14/14
Snatch(24kg) 14/14
Snatch(28kg) 14 rpm x 6 minutes - 1 switch
OAJ(32kg) 10/10 at slow pace

Finished up with some full kneeling and half kneeling chops and lifts.
Continuing to work my ratchet grip on snatches.  I am getting much better with the lighter weights (thru the 24kg).  If I use the false grip overhead, I am able to corkscrew and then pop right into the ratchet with the index finger and thumb.  With the 28kg I can do this for the first 2 minutes with each hand and then I loose it.  Once I am able to reliably master this technique my snatches are going to explode.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Post Call Jerks

Survived another brutal weekend.  Missed Andrew's WKC Worlds qualifier Saturday working from 6AM to 7PM.  Took another beating today.  Motivation was low for working out but I needed to clear my head:

Warm Up - Half kneeling chops, SL Dead Lift patterning, SL DL 16kg
OAJ(20kg) 10/10
Jerk(20kg) 10
OAJ(24kg) 10/10
Jerk(24kg) 8 rpm x 2 minutes
Jerk(28kg) 8 rpm x 5 minutes (last 2 minutes at 6 rpm)
Jerk(24kg) 8 rpm x 5 minutes
Swing(40kg) 20/20

Did some rib pulls for the thoracic spine tonight.  Jerks are feeling much improved.  My lockouts are much crisper.  The 24s are feeling very light these days.  Will try to post some video soon.

Friday, June 5, 2009

28kg Snatch Day

Very rough, long day at work today.  Able to squeeze in a short workout tonight.  Felt much better when done.

Warm Up
Snatch(16kg) 10/10
Snatch(20kg) 10/10
Snatch(24kg) 14/14
Snatch(28kg) 14 rpm x 6 minutes - 1 switch
OAJ(32kg) 10/10 x 1 set

Have found that using the false grip in the overhead position allows me to get into the ratchet grip more reliably.  My right hand is much better than my left.  It is making a huge improvement in my snatches.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Continuing to work my corrective exercises focusing mostly on my ASLR and shoulder mobility.  Also spent some time rolling last night.  This drill really gave me problems at the CK-FMS cert, but I have made some significant improvements in just the past week.

Warm Up - Soft tissue work on left trap and bilateral teres major.  Half kneeling chops. Single leg dead lift patterning and single leg dead lift with 20kg.
OAJ(20kg) 10/10
Jerk(20kg) 10
Jerk(24kg) 8 rpm x 3 minutes
Jerk(28kg) 8 rpm x 4 minutes
Jerk(24kg) 8 rpm x 5 minutes
Swing(40kg) 30/30 x 1 set

Originally was planning to hit 5 minutes with the 28's but just didn't have it today.  Thumb ratchet is really coming along on my swings.  I am finally starting to build the elusive 4th callous.  Will try to squeeze in some thoracic spine mobility tonight and perhaps some more rolling.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Snatches and More Corrective Exercises

I am continuing to work on my corrective exercises and have to say that my thoracic spine and shoulder mobility have had a significant improvement and my overhead position continues to improve.

Warm Up - FMS Corrective Exercises
Snatch(16kg) 15/15
Snatch(20kg) 10/10
Snatch(24kg) 16 rpm x 9 minutes - 1 hand switch - 144 reps
OAJ(32kg) 13/13 x 1 set

I am continuing to improve my overhead position, but it does tend to disintegrate as I fatigue which only makes things worse.  My thumb ratchet is also steadily improving and my hands gave me very little trouble on today's set.  
I am scheduled to head down to Andrew Durniat's this weekend to video my level 1 rank in the biathlon so I can compete with the 28kgs at the Worlds, however, I am working and am not sure I am going to be able to make it to Wooster.  I will have to play things by ear and see how busy things get this weekend.
On another note, I weighed 192lbs this morning.  This is much lighter than usual.  I will have to see if this remains consistent. If it does, I may have to seriously consider dropping down to the 85kg (187lb) weight class for the Worlds.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I AM Back

I returned from the CK-FMS last night.  What an incredible 4 days.  Gray Cook and Brett Jones have a phenomenal system that allows one to predict those at highest risk for injury due to asymmetries or neuromuscular imbalances.  The FMS screen quickly tests 7 basic movement patterns and provides this information.  Specific corrective measures can than be prescribed to improve the athletes identified problems.  This weekend really made me rethink my training strategy.  As Gray said, "You don't fix a broken car by driving it harder".  This is so true.  How many of us push harder and lift heavier weights on a dysfunctional base.  It is no wonder people injure themselves.  Specifically for my goals of reaching CMS in Chicago......I am not sure I am ready.  I need to correct some imbalances before I think I am ready to move up to the 28kg bells.  I think I will try to address these issues and continue to perfect my technique with the 24kg bells.  This may only take several weeks, but who can tell for sure.  Today, I was able to notice a significant improvement in my thoracic spine and shoulder mobility just from the corrective strategies I performed this weekend.  These changes made noticeable improvements in my overhead position/comfort on my jerks.  I can only imagine the changes that will come in the near future and I suspect that these will be followed by improved performance.  I will write more about the FMS in the next few days as I am able to better digest the information.

Workout today went like this:
Warm Up consisted of mostly FMS corrective exercises
OAJ(20kg) 20/20
Jerk(20kg) 10
OAJ(24kg) 10/10
Jerk(24kg) 8 rpm x 9 minutes (except 9 reps the last minute) - 73 reps
Jerk(28kg) 6 rpm x 2 minutes 30 seconds
Swing(40kg) 20/20