Friday, April 29, 2011

Snatch/Jump Rope Combo

Brought my kettlebell to my son's lacrosse practice today in order to squeeze in a workout.

Warm Up: Thoracic and Pec Minor mobility
Swings, snatches
Snatch/JR Combo:
*Snatch(24kg) 10 reps in 30 seconds - alternate hands each set
*30 seconds jump rope
*20 sets


Brad Jones said...

How is the shoulder doing these days Matt?


MKSchinabeck said...

It is feeling better since I started a heavy diet of Kelly Starr's mobility work. Still hesitant to hit the heavy weights, but I am moving forward. How's your training?

Brad Jones said...

Glad to hear it is doing better! I love the Mobility WOD stuff. My training is on hold due to my own shoulder issue. I got a little carried away with the crossfit competition that just ended.....I need to stick to the KBs:)