Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Today's workout:

24kg snatch 5R/5L/5R/5L x 7 sets - 30 seconds rest between sets
24kg swing Tabata Protocol - Score: 14 (20sec work/10sec rest x 8 sets.  Score is you set with the lowest number of reps)

Working on my 5 minute SSST with a goal of 100.  Each week I am dropping 10 seconds of rest time as per Dave Whitley's Dragondoor article on training for the SSST.  In 3 more weeks I will attempt the full 5 minute SSST for the first time.  The Tabata protocol makes for a very tough 4 minutes.  In order to keep the reps high you have to focus on actively hiking the kettlebell between your legs on the way down, instead of letting gravity do its job.  This not only drives the heartrate high, but is a killer on the grip. 


Unknown said...

Have you tried setting the Gymboss to 1:00 and 1:00, then doing 10/10 for 5 beeps. that is the easiest way for me to get 100 reps in 5 min. Am i missing what you are trying to do?


MKSchinabeck said...

It essentially takes me 1 minute to do 20 reps, so I set my gymboss for 1 minute and then my rest period - 30 seconds this week. Each week I am decreasing my rest period by 10 seconds until I will get down to 5 minutes straight without rest. Sounds like you are already doing 5 minutes straight without rest......right?

Unknown said...

Not straight. I can get 10/10 in about 40 sec. So that gives me 20 sec rest before the next beep. When I hit the ssst, it was 10/10 at the top of each minute. Have you tried Steve maxwell's 100? 20l,20r,15l,15r,10l,10r,5l,5r? I really like this. The bad thing is, I still have trouble getting my 37/37, most 25/25. I think it is mental!