Saturday, July 18, 2009

10 Minutes of Slow Jerks - 28kg

After playing with my pacing on the snatches, I thought I would give it a try with the jerks.  The results were different, however, because the rack is actually a comfortable position for me and I can truly rest.  I made the 10 minutes without any problem.  I really tried to focus on my breathing during this slower set.  When I am able to time my exhale with my first dip, the bells seem to float to the top.  I need to keep working on this.

Warm Up: Rib Pull/Arm Sweep
OAJ(16kg) 10/10
OAJ(20kg) 10/10
Jerk(20kg) 10
OAJ(24kg) 10/10
Jerk(24kg) 10
Jerk(28kg) 6 rpm x 10 minutes
Jerk(28kg) 6 rpm x 3 minutes
Swing(40kg) 20/20 - 1 hand switch

Really starting to like my OLY shoes.

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