Tuesday, January 13, 2009

8 Minute 24kg Jerk

Late workout tonight, but I was feeling energized:

Jerk(16kg) 10
Jerk(24kg) 6 rpm x 8 minutes
Jerk(24kg) 10 rpm x 2 minutes
Swing(32kg) 30/30 
Swing(32kg) 20/20
Renegade Row(24kg) 8/8 x 2 sets

Jerks felt very good today.  I feel like I am launching my elbows off of my pelvis on almost every rep.  I can't believe what a difference it makes.  I think I could have pulled off a full 10 minute set today.  The only thing that was beginning to fatigue was my wrists, but I think I could have gutted it out for the final 2 minutes.  Now I need to consider if I should drop my timed sets back down to 5 minutes and increase to 8 rpm or push the 6 rpms all the way to 10 minutes.  My goal at this point is to hit a full 10 minute set at 8 rpm at the Arnold for a total of 80 reps.

1 comment:

Patrick Baeder said...

Got you comment on my blog. I am sure you are right. I plan on cycling in more easier, basic workouts and some rest days. Thanks.